I found a cute little set of squares that I forgot that I had and thought what a awesome little spring time mini quilt these will make.
I took a picture of the first block- will save the rest until it is finished. I need to learn how to set my camera up to take better pictures I guess, because the pictures didn't do the colors justice.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Quilts of Valor Progress
Dear Quilting Friends!
Well my Army mom quilter friend is making strong headway with donations for purchasing fabric for Quilts of Valor.
I put out a SOS to some Facebook Friends today and are getting some really touching stories and donation. It is humbling.. it really is to participate in such a project. I find myself very emotional over it. I will be sending out some more request tomorrow.
We have picked out some patterns for the quilts AND thanks to Jeff- who started this thought- he made his donation in his dads name who was a marine that passed last year from Alzheimer's. I think it will be great to put on the label of the quilts those dedication from fellow service families that made this project possible.
We will have our first group meeting on April 6th and will work on this through June. So- you all know me- that means pictures, pictures, pictures and lots of talking about this project!
If you would like to make a donation- please send me an email.
Well my Army mom quilter friend is making strong headway with donations for purchasing fabric for Quilts of Valor.
I put out a SOS to some Facebook Friends today and are getting some really touching stories and donation. It is humbling.. it really is to participate in such a project. I find myself very emotional over it. I will be sending out some more request tomorrow.
We have picked out some patterns for the quilts AND thanks to Jeff- who started this thought- he made his donation in his dads name who was a marine that passed last year from Alzheimer's. I think it will be great to put on the label of the quilts those dedication from fellow service families that made this project possible.
We will have our first group meeting on April 6th and will work on this through June. So- you all know me- that means pictures, pictures, pictures and lots of talking about this project!
If you would like to make a donation- please send me an email.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Finished the Coloring the Crayon Block
Here are the other ones from Quilt Group Today!
Cindi's Finished one
Another of Cindi's- She is really liking the Crayon Quilting...lol
What a blast. I am definitely going to make a few more!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Crayon Quilt Meet-up Tomorrow- Here is my progress..
So- I got my crayon quilt about 1/2 way done. Looks cute as a button.
Here is the progress so far.
I still need to color and find a pattern for the dog... and I have the pattern for the flowers and butterfly.
Quilt group tomorrow.. so I might get it finished!
Here is the progress so far.
I still need to color and find a pattern for the dog... and I have the pattern for the flowers and butterfly.
Quilt group tomorrow.. so I might get it finished!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Quilts of Valor
Well, April starts Cary Quilters Quilts of Valor Project. We will be working on the project through April and May 2010. It is my personal goal to get as many great quality quilts out as I can so that as many soldiers as possible coming home injured can have something- anything to comfort them. It is the least, we at Cary Quilters, think we can do to say thank you for everything done for us.
This is Al Lind, a WWII vet who expressed what it would have meant to him to receive a handmade quilt. I think he is an inspiration.
I was talking to a friend today who son has served 2 tours of duty and going back again in a few months. She told two stories- one of how he was treated badly going through an airport on his travels. People going out of their way not to make eye contact or speak. Then the other story of a man who noticed that his young son stood in awe of this young man wearing a soldiers uniform. The father took time out of his busy day to take his son over and explain what this uniform meant and what it meant to wear one, in a time such as these, in a way that a little boy could understand. After they were done talking.. the little boy saluted the soldier and the soldier saluted back and both young men walked away a little taller and a little prouder that day!
Bravo to the father that showed he was proud to be an American and who took time out to say thank you to a soldier!
We will be saying thank you in our way by making Quilts of Valor. Please visit their website for more information on how you or your group can help!
Quilts of Valor Home Page
This is Al Lind, a WWII vet who expressed what it would have meant to him to receive a handmade quilt. I think he is an inspiration.
I was talking to a friend today who son has served 2 tours of duty and going back again in a few months. She told two stories- one of how he was treated badly going through an airport on his travels. People going out of their way not to make eye contact or speak. Then the other story of a man who noticed that his young son stood in awe of this young man wearing a soldiers uniform. The father took time out of his busy day to take his son over and explain what this uniform meant and what it meant to wear one, in a time such as these, in a way that a little boy could understand. After they were done talking.. the little boy saluted the soldier and the soldier saluted back and both young men walked away a little taller and a little prouder that day!
One thankful and one grateful- you figure out who was who :)
Bravo to the father that showed he was proud to be an American and who took time out to say thank you to a soldier!
We will be saying thank you in our way by making Quilts of Valor. Please visit their website for more information on how you or your group can help!
Quilts of Valor Home Page
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Oh well.. no luck today
So I am working on my pinwheel mini...and I have a little knot in the middle where the 8 points meet. So I am ironing with my mini iron and I am just so in thought over this bump that I take my hand to give more pressure to my mini iron.. well we all know you just can't do that without repercussion's. Like a nice burn all the way across the palm of your hand. Sooooo I am giving it up for the night with a nice burn and a screaming headache.
Yep- I even have the Clover with the safety guard...lol
Yep- I even have the Clover with the safety guard...lol
Crayon Quilt Challenge
So excited about this challenge. We are not following the traditional three random crayon pick. Freedom to express is the key!
Happy St. Patty's Day
I hope the luck of my Irish decent is with me today. I am working on a mini quilt for the AAIQ project Cary Quilters will be doing on August. I am kinda getting a jump start.
No using "green" just because it is St. Patty's Day. I am going with some fall/earth tones in a pinwheel pattern- using paper foundation pieces. I hope I have enough of the fabric that I picked out. When I get a block done- I will post a picture here. They are 3.5 inch blocks- not super mini. I think once I get into the grove- I will pull the size down a bit further.
Ok.. well my birds are really being loud today. I really wish they had their own room..lol
No using "green" just because it is St. Patty's Day. I am going with some fall/earth tones in a pinwheel pattern- using paper foundation pieces. I hope I have enough of the fabric that I picked out. When I get a block done- I will post a picture here. They are 3.5 inch blocks- not super mini. I think once I get into the grove- I will pull the size down a bit further.
Ok.. well my birds are really being loud today. I really wish they had their own room..lol
Monday, March 15, 2010
Learn Something New Everyday....
National Quilting Day is March 20th...
Loving Stitches says:
The National Quilting Association has designed this free pattern (click on image below) for your group or guild as you celebrate National Quilting Day, March 20, 2010. Let's not forget the tradition to use up what we have on hand. So with this in mind, gather up your scraps, grab all those funky yellows, bits of brown and pieces of anything. Use what you have, even if it means making a purple tree with yellow bows! Be creative!
Here is the pattern:
Loving Stitches says:
The National Quilting Association has designed this free pattern (click on image below) for your group or guild as you celebrate National Quilting Day, March 20, 2010. Let's not forget the tradition to use up what we have on hand. So with this in mind, gather up your scraps, grab all those funky yellows, bits of brown and pieces of anything. Use what you have, even if it means making a purple tree with yellow bows! Be creative!
Here is the pattern:
yea! Gotta my group photos up :)
We have been taking pictures as we meet. When we take field trips and when we are just having fun! Hope you enjoy them!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Posting Comments
So I did some testing today on posting comments. It did let my daughter post a comment but we had to push the publish comment button a couple of times. I don't know if this is an issue on my end or on Bloggers end. The comments don't show in the page but on a pop-out window. I am going to have figure out the HTML to change that back. It has been a while since I did that kind of work and it gives me a headache just thinking about it...lol
Ok.. The recital went well! Brittany played beautifully and I am going to post some pictures and video later!
Ok.. The recital went well! Brittany played beautifully and I am going to post some pictures and video later!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Did a Blog for my Daughter Today
So... Started a blog for my daughter today. She plays piano. Has been for the last few years now and I would like for her to have an online portfolio of sorts.
We are going to be adding images and videos and some cute little wiggets over the next few days as we can. She has a performance tomorrow and she is very nervous.
I am hoping that she will get more encouraged with herself as she starts to blog and chart her progress.
That's all for day.
I did iron some fabric but I didn't sew anything - Been in a mood of sorts.
We are going to be adding images and videos and some cute little wiggets over the next few days as we can. She has a performance tomorrow and she is very nervous.
I am hoping that she will get more encouraged with herself as she starts to blog and chart her progress.
That's all for day.
I did iron some fabric but I didn't sew anything - Been in a mood of sorts.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Just got back from an evening of making huggables! Tonight Cary Quilters hosted a huggables party. What are huggabes you ask?? Here is what one of Cary Quilters /Jaycee member Diane Upshaw says:
"WakeMed hands these out to the children so they can have something to hold on to while they're in the emergency room,"
I brought some of the patterns home tonight and will be making a few tomorrow. Ducks! I love ducks and are lucky enough to have lots of cute yellow fabric... here is what they look like..
"WakeMed hands these out to the children so they can have something to hold on to while they're in the emergency room,"
I brought some of the patterns home tonight and will be making a few tomorrow. Ducks! I love ducks and are lucky enough to have lots of cute yellow fabric... here is what they look like..
Look for ways to get involved in your community. It will not only be a blessing to others but to yourself as well!
Oh wow! I am so excited
Dear Friends,
It looks like I am going to have to get it together and get to sewing and photos and blogging! I have 4 followers! Thank you new friends for joining me in my journey of quilting.
It looks like I am going to have to get it together and get to sewing and photos and blogging! I have 4 followers! Thank you new friends for joining me in my journey of quilting.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
March 10, 2010
The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative is about to fund its third research grant, this time for $30,000. I should be able to give you more details in the next Update. This is why we do what we do, to fund research that will bring us closer to a cure. We are the only quilter-powered, all volunteer charity trying to end Alzheimer's. We can be so proud of the difference we are making. Thank you all for being a part of our success. We are all in this together!
The small format online quilt auction ends tonight at 10pm EST. Your generous bids are so needed and so appreciated! Thank you, and please tell your friends! All profits fund research.
March 10, 2010
The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative is about to fund its third research grant, this time for $30,000. I should be able to give you more details in the next Update. This is why we do what we do, to fund research that will bring us closer to a cure. We are the only quilter-powered, all volunteer charity trying to end Alzheimer's. We can be so proud of the difference we are making. Thank you all for being a part of our success. We are all in this together!
The small format online quilt auction ends tonight at 10pm EST. Your generous bids are so needed and so appreciated! Thank you, and please tell your friends! All profits fund research.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Easy Stack and Slash for Project Linus
Stack and Slash Quilt
A fun, fast and easy way to make a Crazy Quilt
- For this quilt use 1/4 yd. of 18 different kids prints fabrics or 72 nine inch squares. In order to create a visually exciting quilt, use no more than four 9 inch squares of a particular fabric.
Cut fabric into 9 inch squares. Large squares such as 12 inches or 16 inches could be used but you will be working with longer bias edges; therefore, 9 inch blocks seem to work better.
- Make eight stacks of nine different prints, stacking the squares neatly. Randomly slash through each stack.
1st Cut- 8 neat stacks -- each of 9 different fabrics
- Using a sharp rotary cutter, cut through each stack.
Note: It is easiest to work with one stack of 9 squares at time. Do steps 3, 4 and 5 for a one stack of squares, then go on to the next stack and repeat. - You now have 2 piles of pieces from one stack of squares. On one pile, move the bottom piece of fabric to the top. Then match the top piece from each pile and sew together. Continue in this manner, making sure that you do not use the same fabric in any one set. If you intend to slash the stack more than twice, press the seams open to reduce the bulk when you quilt. If you are going to slash twice, the seams can be pressed to one side.
- Stack the squares again and slash in another direction. Sew in random pairs and press. If you prefer you can slash them a third time but then it is preferable to press the seams open as mentioned above. The more you slash the smaller your block becomes due to the additional seam allowances. Check to make sure the same fabric is not butting up against itself in the block.
- After the slashing and sewing is complete, square up the smallest block and measure it to determine the size the remaining blocks should be cut. Square up remaining blocks and sew together eight blocks across and nine blocks down.
- Select and add border and backing. Sandwich the fabrics, quilt the top, and bind. The result a crazy quilt with a minimum of effort. If each block has only been slashed twice, some fancy embroidery stitches over the seams add interest. Enjoy your quilt!
Project Linus Progress
We have been working on project Linus for about a month. Here are some pictures from are quilting days!
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